Thursday 26 January 2012


This is our prelim. We tried to consider carefully our camera work while filming. We used a wide range of shots to practice and experiment. For example, in the beginning while Rachel is walking, we used three different shots to show her walking. This makes the walking less boring to watch. I also think that having this variety of shots when she is walking helps to create a suspenseful atmosphere together with the music. The music anticipates that something is wrong where she is going. Because the three shots seem to have a completely different perspective and don't fit nicely together, we added transitions like dissolve and fade in to make it have more sense and also creating ellipsis. The over the shoulder shot showing her walking is in slow motion which gives a dramatic effect and also adds power to her character as well as it implies there is something going on. 

We have a match cut of them two sitting on the table to show the tension between them. When they start the conversation the music goes off, which also helps to build up tension in their conversation.
Then we get a couple of over the shoulder shots because they are appropriate to show a conversation and show the reaction of the other person. The use of shot reverse shot is also appropriate to have a better perspective of the conversation. I think that the over the shoulder shots are well framed because there is no extra space and the framing is fully filled by Rachel and Angel. After, we have a mid shot of Rachel, to expand the variety of shots and show Angel's point of view.

Then we have a close up of Angel's face, showing her nervousness. She was supposed to say some dialogue in this shot but we forgot it, still it fitted ok. The close up of her hands emphasise her nervousness and create more tension, suggesting that she has done something. While Rachel is walking away, we have shot reverse shots showing Angeline's reaction of disapproval. The prelim ends with an extreme close up of her face and a zoom in into her eyes expressing anger. The zooming in was slowed down in the editing to make it more dramatic. The music gets tenser when we get to the close up. The ending creates suspense.

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