Thursday 9 February 2012

Symbolic shots in our film opening

Although discrete title sequences are not part of the narrative of the film, it is not simply the presentation of random thrilling shots. Discrete openings usually carry symbological meanings in the shots chosen. It is a form of antecipating what happens in the film but in a very subtle way. For our opening we have specific mise en scene that is representative of what happens in the film. For example:

Playground - shots of different toys in the playground such as swing, marry go round, children playing, etc represent the equilibrium of the film. It shows the 'normality' of children. It may connote an 'innocent way of having fun'. The distortion of these by spooky editing, by showing swing chains only, or by showing mary go round spinning without kids, create the breaking of the equilibrium. In the film, Shannelle appears to be normal and innocent like any child, but this image breaks down throughout the film.

The teddy bear - the teddy bear is a significant item for Shannelle as it was a present from her biological mother. The teddy bear is not only representative of children, but it connotes a kind of emotional comfort for children. Once the teddy bear is shown ripped up, it conveys that Shannelle is emotionally breaking down and it represents the state of her mind. She hears voices telling to harm whoever tries to get closer to her and ripping up the teddy bear is symbolic of that.

The cat - cats have a superstitious connotation of bad luck (specifically black cats). They also carry a treacherous reputation. Besides that, it is stereotypical for mentally disabled people to have a pet (most often cats). Including the shot of the cat can give a sense of  'omen' as well as represent Shannele's mental instability.

Blood and bruises - blood and bruises certainly connote death or some kind of violence going on. Arms cut more specifically represent the disturbed mind of Shannelle and how she suffers with her mental disorder. In psychological thrillers the character usually have psychological confrontations. It is conventional to have symbols of Shannelle's state of mind. The blood running down the drain can also create intertextuality with psycho.

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