Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation Q5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Mise en scene & Location
In terms of mise en scene,  the film appeals  to the audience in various ways.  This is because there are  two different locations in the film opening, therefore having more than one location keeps the audience interested in  the film because they will be entreated to know what is going to happen next.

The various props seen within the photos above, appeals to the taste buds of the audience because most of the props in the film give out negative connotation. For example, the blood seen, connotes death and evil. However contrasting with all the negative connotations of some of the props, there are some positive connotations of some of the props, for example: The teddy bear, which connotes innocence, children and love. Both negative and positive connotations of the props in the film are seen throughout the film to foreshadow all the things to come later in the film.

The actor in our film is a child. This is very appealing to our audience as it makes them interested on what the child will be doing throughout the film. The fact that she is seen to be innocent in the beginning of the film makes the audience see her in a positive way however as the film progresses the evil faces she makes and the colours associated with her makes the audience aware that this child, the main character is not innocent at all.

The storyline of Amy is very attractive to the audience as it is about a child which automatically becomes appealing because this goes against the stereotypical view of children, so the audience will be shocked about the fact that the storyline went against this. The audience would be very interested in her mental illness as it is very rare for a girl of her age to suffer from a mental illness like this, so her story of how she got it will be interesting to the audience.

The Genre which is a Psychological thriller with Horror elements is attractive because thrillers are one of the best selling films compared to Suspense. Therefore this will attract our audience because usually thriller films have a good outcome in terms of how many people enjoyed watching the film.

The sounds in the film was very attractive to the audience because it was a ghostly voice of a child singing and speaking. This was effective because it reflected the voices of the mental illness (skitzophenia) which makes the audience feel quite frightened about what is going to happen. This help to bring in the horror element within the film.

Film Name
The film was called "Amy" because Amy means beloved therefore giving positive connotations of innocence. This is why it was a perfect decision to call our film this because the character in our film is the complete opposite of what the name Amy connotes. This is appealing to the audience because by hearing the name of the film, the audience may think that she is the victim in the film when really she is the bad person in the film.

Production Company
The production company candi studios is appealing to our audience because candi studios is a small production company which has produced films of the same genre before so this will allow the audience to expect the best.

Rough Cut FeedBack
The feedback that we got from our teacher helped us in terms of how to appeal to the audience because he told us that he was very impressed. However, he said that our film was too disturbing to be a just a psychological thriller, therefore he said that it has horror elements in it.

How we have reached our audience so far
So far, we have reach our audience in various ways. We posted our film on facebook, vimeo and has been shown in the cinema. Soon our film will have DVD release so this will be good because our audience will have their own copy of the film.

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